OrchideenZauber Issue 3/2022

Features three articles by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dr. Dirk Weickmann: „Paphiopedilum appletonianum & f. immaculatum“, "Lockhartia oerstededii, Örsted Tressenorchidee" and "Lockhartia lunifera, eine sukkulente Regenwaldorchidee"

Geophyta, third edition

Features an article by Dirk Weickmann and Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer: „Iris Hybrid 'Katherine Hodgkin'"“

Byblis-News, first edition

Features an article by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dr. Dirk Weickmann: „Pinguicula lusitanica“

OrchideenZauber Issue 2/2022

Features an article by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dr. Dirk Weickmann: „Paphiopedilum helenae - ein kleiner, aber extrem bedrohter Venusschuh“

"Gunneraque", tenth edition

Features an article by Elisabeth Sand, Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann: „Jankaea heldreichii“.

"Geophyta", second edition

Features an article by Dirk Weickmann and Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer: „Albuca sp. Augrabies Hills“

OrchideenZauber Issue 1/2022

Features an article by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dr. Dirk Weickmann: „Goodyera repens - Das kriechende Netzblatt“

"Gunneraque", ninth edition

Features an article by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann: „Phlegmarius sqaurossus“

"Gunneraque", eighth edition

Features an article by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann: „Equisetum hyemale - einige Bemerkungen zu den beiden Unterarten des Winterschachtelhalmes“

"Geophyta", first edition

Features an article by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann: „Drimia haworthioides - Eine hochsukkulente Drimia Teil 1“

"OrchideenZauber" Issue 6/2021

Features an article by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann: „Aerangis hildebrandtii - Ein Zwerg mit winzigen Blüten“.

"Gunneraque", seventh edition

Features an article by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann: „Selaginella helvetica - einige Bemerkungen zum Schweizer Moosfarn -Selaginella 1-“.

Sedum Society Newsletter October 2021

Features an article by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann: „Sedum villosum“.

"OrchideenZauber" Issue 5/2021

Features an article by Dr. Dirk Weickmann and Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer: "Urtica bianorii - Mallorca-Brennnesselt"

"Gunneraque" Issue 08/2021, sixth edition

Features the article „Die Brahmanen-Wurmschlange - Indothyphlops braminus - eine Miniaturschlange, die auch Sherlock Holmes kannte…“ by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann.

Illustrations by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer

Just published: The book "Impressionen meiner wissenschaftlichen Zeichnungen" with scientific illustrations by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer.

"Gunneraque" Issue 07/2021, fifth edition

Features the article „Die echte Sumpfzypresse“ by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann.

"Gunneraque" Issue 06/2021, fourth edition

Features the article „Haberlea rhodopensis“ by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann.

"Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten" Issue 06/June 2021

Features the article „Sedum villosum - die Sumpf-Fetthenne“ by Lemarr Baqai and Dirk Weickmann.

"Gunneraque" Issue 05/2021, third edition

Features the article „Einige Bemerkungen zum westafrikanischen Lungenfisch (Protopterus annectens) Owen 1839“ by Jenny Mörth-Kretschmer and Dirk Weickmann.